Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1. BULLYING (watch the three videos and leave a comment of at least 100 words) (individual)


  1. Bullying –in my opinion- is an intolerable problem that affects most of the children these days, mainly teenagers. The place where this action takes part on the worst way is in the USA. Fortunately, Argentina isn’t a country that has frequent incidents of those characteristics (although nowadays, we are copying the harmful things of the USA culture). Bullies are aware of the harm they do, and no matter what the child who is victimized says to protect himself/herself, they continue up with their entertaining “job”. The videos may show that bullying isn’t only produced by violence acts, such as kicks, spits, property damage, and shocks. In fact, the verbal bullying is more familiar than the others. If you think, sometimes we live around a rude word that treats you bad. And some people are insecure about themselves, so they start to annoy children or adults that are in a lower position of defense, power, and resistance. Also, cyberbullying is one of the most dangerous actions, widespread around the world. We are –I use the personal pronoun WE, because I’m including me- in a society where the media is part of our lives. And this is an inevitable thing because we are attached to technology. So, the interaction between teenagers and people they don’t know who they are is a common situation. Sometimes, you can find a person who isn’t malicious, but generally it almost doesn’t exist. Another type of cyberbullying is uploading embarrassed private videos to the web, or using email or text messaging to threaten, hurt, spread rumors or reveals secrets about you. Finally, I think we can protect victims offering our help and being alerted about the signals that bullies do. Of course the best choice must be give help to the bullies too, but try to be patient and conscious because the bully may has a big problem hidden inside him/her. Be cautious and secure of ourselves is the main key to finish with this horrible situation and helps the others to be better in a physical and psychological way.

  2. Well Susan, I could not watch the videos, but anyway, I will say something about this topic.
    As I see it, this problem is really common, especially at the high school and in a lower case at the elementary school. But, in addition to this is something that is present every where. Mainly, the young people bully each other.
    There are three types of bullying: the emotional, the verbal and the physical. I believe that all of them are terrible, but I think that the first one is the worst, because it could drive someone to commit suicide. For example, a few months ago, I read in the newspaper that a kid commited suicide with his grandpa's gun, because some assholes bodered him so bad, every day, that he could not hold out anymore. He was just a little kid, if I am not wrong, he was just 10 years old. The worst part of this terrible story is that those son of a bitches are there, hanging around, they should be punished or in jail.
    Bullying is a real problem, because the bullys are free, they do not recieve a punishment or a fine(creo que fine es multa) at least. But it is not a problem just in our country, it is everywhere. All around the world are given resentful persons.
    Talking about the victims, they are always weak and defensless.

  3. The only one video that I could see was from an anti-bullying advertisement, and in my opinion,talks about the harm that words, jokes, bad manners, or other forms of non-physical violence have in persons (specially) of our age.
    Teenage is for some people very difficult and I can not imagine how it would it be with people disturbing you any moment you turn around.
    Bullying is just another type of violence, and sometimes, even worse because you can not do anything to stop it, as it is the most underestimated form of violence: people often thinks that this is not sufficient reason to talk and accuse the bully.


  4. In my opinion, this videos represent more the reality of USA, which we see frecuently at movies. So, it would be interesting to look for "argentinian bulling practices"; I think that a lot of us doesn't realize when we are being bullyed, maybe because we don't know which is the point between good/appropriate acts or behaves and the bad/inappropriate ones, so we allow the others to treat us like they want.
    Anyway, the facts that the videos show aren't fake. I think that verbal bullying and humiliation are the same or worse than physical bulling. In our days, Internet had become an important tool for share information in a good way, but to bother others too.
    From my point of view, bullying at kids and teenagers is a part of the growing-up progress, so maybe the problem should be treated like this and not like a crime.. I think that the part that we should work on taking conscious of the bullying itself, try to make the victims talk to let the others help them.

  5. In my opinion, although the three videos are great and shocking in some way, we can’t expect them to make a change. Maybe they can make us think, debate or reflect about bullying but that isn’t enough, after all, the ones that have access to this videos are teenagers that will mature more soon than later and stop even worrying about it. So, for me, education starts from our homes or families, since we are little if there’s any kind of violence we’ll see that like natural and get used to it, reproducing it while we grow up. Then, we’ll only be able to blame schools or the government if we start educating from the principal institution of our life and then insist on schools to continue to raise awareness about the effects of this problem.

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  7. Rocío Gomez:
    In my opinion, kids that bully have no idea of the things they are doing. I'm not intending to deffend them or their acts, but somehow this kids have serious problems not with the other kids but with themselves. I think that most of their acts are made by them 'cause since a long time they weren't taught about the different valius of life. This kind of agression which is horrible and a huge problem in the occidental world, is a result of bad education from their houses, selfishness and not having the quality of being empathy. The worst thing of this is that they think that by bully other kids they are higher than the others and its kind of a demonstration of power that make this situacion even worst.
    I think that schools,social networks and mass comunication media (which are the spaces that most teenagers resort to), goverments and families should keep with this campain showing the real values of life and what is the real legitimate action. I think that taking this as a crime somewhow would do something or change something, but maybe the best way of fighting against bully is trying to change this from the base, from the education, from the promotion of good actions.

  8. Talking about bullying at school is a very known but also an interesting topic. Sometimes we don’t realize how painful our comments can be, maybe becouse our society is used to doing and listening to different jokes daily. The problem here is when this jokes denigrate or offend a person, more often, when they note a defect or any physical feature. This can make a terrible psychological damage in the person, that can turn into a psychological illness at the worst cases like anorexia, bulimia, depression, etc.
    It is important for us to realize whow harmful our comments can be in some cases, in order to reconsider our actions. Even if we are doing a joke to a very close friend, we have to be very careful with what we say becouse our words can hurt even more than our fist.

  9. In my opinion, bully it´s a topic which can be widely controversial and discussed. When we penetrate on the worst part of it, and we talk about beyond the limits and riscs that people who are victims of this suffer, comments and opinions spread, and ideas attack mostly the ones that bully the others. I think this problem is not spread in Argentina as much as in the USA, were this types of actitudes are common seen on kids nowadays. I agree on the idea that the change might better be done, and started, thanks to us, that we realice about consequences and know that something is wrong. Also, I think there's no difference between the ones that bully, and the ones that receive the attack. Both persons are victims of something that maybe we do not know. For this problem to be solved, there must be a change were both individuals take part in.

    Assef Oriana.

  10. Bullying generally is done because the bully has a need to make others feel inferior to boost their own self-worth.The bully does not learn effective ways of dealing with people and the bullied develop emotional scars that have consequences that stay with the person throughout life. In my opinion, people bully others to make themselves feel important and big. They probably have a low self esteem and want to be known as a srong person..The best thing you can do to a bully is ignore them. Like you didn't hear it. Don't retaliate. Don't take it. Carry on with your own life. Focus on something else. Don't let your decisions revolve around what someone might think of you.Wear whatever, eat whatever, and say whatever you normally do. Just don't stoop to their level. Because you are better than them. the three videos are great, and them show perfectly the different types of bullyng, you can see the situation of a lot of people who suffers this.

    1. Floriana:
      I'm sorry that you can't or don't want to express your own opinion. I know it would be very valuable. This is called plagiarism:

  11. I think that the video has a very valid point of view, the words can be used as a weapon and hurts the person a lot.
    In the second video, the message its more clear and more agressive, i thnk taht if you bully a person a lot, you cause it a terrible damage, and they may kill them self.
    The third video, it has a lot of avarage, its truth, but if you have facebook, or any other social network you should really know what are you facing to, for example me, i dont publish my info, but theres a lot of others tah yes, they do. For me, the first video its the most interesting and has the best way to transmite you the message, the words hurt. Rodrigo Fernandez

  12. in my opinion this videos are very clears with the message, first of all because there are very good dones, and because it talks and mentions the reality of bulling. i dislike bully people or seeing people bullied, its awful to that person to be mistreated at school or by internet. its impresionat the numbers of bulling that gives one of the videos. mybe cyber bulling isnt as harsh as phisical bulling(in my opinon), but it is a very ugly think for many people arround the world, because there is any country that does not suffer bulling in young people. it is exhausting for the victims to be bullied by other person of the same age or very close age, and like one of the videos saids, many cases of victims of bulling end up committing a suicide, and its very stupidbecause of the bully, i mean, because one idiot, a simple boy/girl end suiciding.
    finally, i think that it must be a crime to bully other people, but only if the other person get hurt because of ths bully. thats all susan.
    joaquin fernandez :)

  13. i saw the three videos and i think that they are very good produce susan, there are very simple and very clear to the viwer. in my opinion bully is a terrible human act, that it should be punished by the law or at least by the society. many times the bully is a person that is less inteligent that the victim, has psychological or family problems and in other cases they enjoy hitting weak people to let on their problems(this is what i understand and what i belive), but the cause more problems to the other person.
    i think that mybe the cyber bully is the most dificult to understand and the least frequent(phisical bully is more common on teen people), butit is as painful as phisical bully. this work it is interesting to know and understand something that happens everyday and all along.
    finally, i think that everyone must think in the place of the bullied person and in the buly(althoug the cruelty of this with the victim), because the tow of them have problems (one is caussed by the problem of the other guy) but it isnt a excuse to do what they do to those poor people.
    ramon fernandez

  14. The three videos show the bullying effect. It is incredible how words can hurt so much. Actions agains others and ciberbullying are others ways of this terrible act. It is important to recognize our actions to someone else and now that he can finish hurted or we can be hurted too. Bullying is part of growing- up but is a terrible act. To stop these actions we have to start to educate kids since kindergarten. Bullying maybe is seen like teenagers problems in schools but it is more that. A lot of kids do not want to go to school because they are frightened of their classmates, is it awful. bullying must be stoped
    gaston figueroa

  15. As I see it, bullying is a serious problem that can affect a lot of people and can cause serious damage.
    In the first place, the first video shows us the importance of the words, and it is, in my opinion, the worst form of violence.
    Secondly, the other video shows us how aggressive people can affect another people and the bad result that this can have. For example: suicide, like in the third video. This talks about cyberbullying and shows that this can affect us in a sentimental and emotional ways.
    To sum up, I can say that this worrie me and that all students and teenagers should be carefull with this type of things.
    Radrizzani, Sofia

  16. In my opinion the bullying is a big problem not only in teenagers but also in adults. In this case, after seeing the videos I start to thing…
    In the first video I saw the words that the girls said to the small girl hurt her and she didn´t said nothing and run, leaving that the girls laugh of her.
    In the second video I saw the girl who was started to thing that the words the people said her was true, and thing that she was ugly, fat, loser, etc; and this made that she suiside. This case is dangerous because she thing about her that the people want.
    And in the last video I saw the CYBERBULLYING. This is other form to hurt the people because who post pictures or videos in social netwoks do that other people knew about you and comment about this, and this things made that you feel bad because the other people don´t knew about you.
    Maria Pia Miñones.

  17. the bullying is a really serius problem that affect a lot of people arround the world and it can really hury the ones that are bullied.This problem hasnt got a direct solution it need a really big change in th society first, we can stop some cases but more will appear, until that is disliked by all the entire society.
    The other thing can be done is to teach the young students how to correct react to the bullys so they can make them stop without being hurt.
    With that said I just need a few more words so I'll write these words unnecessary

    Felipe Ishimine
